January meeting

Good evening dear hearts! Our meeting will be held this Saturday, January 8th,2022, from 10:00 A.M. till 1:00 P.M. at:

Benton’s Crossroads Baptist Church
109 E Lawyers Rd
Monroe, N.C. 28110

In this New Year, we need to continue to be constant in our efforts, as there are still many hearts that still don’t know Jesus. Please come out to help us or become a partner with us. Many work diligently during the month and partner with us making parts of the dolls, the salvation bracelets for the necks of the dolls, printing cards with the plan of salvation on them, or donating materials for them. We are also still collecting socks, gloves and hats for the homeless, and for those we see out who don’t have the proper items to keep warm. Any questions, please call Joanne Mucci @ 704-283-6784.